1 corinthians 9:22

1 Corinthians 9:22

To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.

This was a powerful verse for me. This changed the way I look at reaching out to people. The first thing I notice is the point of becoming weak to help the weak. My thought on it was make people feel like you’re not better than them and you both are on the same playing ground in life so you have something common with that person. Relating to someone one is a good first step in starting deep conversation with them. Relating to someone is hard if you’re wearing the newest shoes but they are wearing none. The lord calls us to make them feel at home with you and not make them uncomfortable from a feeling of being less then you. If I got 1 lesson from this verse it would try to always make people comfortable and never less then you in every situation. The last sentence something huge “I have to become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.”. this verse did not say “so I might save the masses” it said some just some? My point by saying this was, that if I spent 100 years on the earth and saved one life it would all be well worth it. The Lord put some of us here because he knew maybe we would be ministering to the masses but if we weren’t and we were just saving one life that was all amazing. This verse is so powerful in my walk It taught me to humble myself and to live at any person’s level so maybe you could save one life.


Try not to complain as much about skits because that could effect one life and change t forever


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