You must not fear them, for the lord your god himself fights for you.’

This verse reminds me of my favorite verse in the whole bible. john 16:33(I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”) It allows you to realize the power that the lord has. In john, it speaks on the lord being bigger then the world I fill in the word world with two words our sins. This changes the whole verse and makes me feel that if I have the lord I have everything. This verse in Deuteronomy is a lot like the verse in john. first mosses comfort his people just as god did in john. this brings me to the second part of this verse god fighting for us its such a beautiful part. This verse opened my eyes to the lord’s activity in my life to just to keep me safe. The lord fighting for us is crazy because he is a huge god so why does he even worry about me. Because his love is agape love something we can’t understand. Today I just thank the lord that his love is so great he fights for me as if I’m his best friend.


Pray that God will open my eyes to his power.


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