Revelation 3:21

Revelation 3:21

“To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne as I also overcome and sat down with My Father on his throne.

 “To him who overcomes” this part is talking about us Christians that overcame the power of sin. Many times, us as humans think we do it in our own power but the only way we can overcome sin is with his power. He is all power full and you see in the next part of the scripture he allows us to sit with him on his very throne. This is our loving god that we take for granted. No earthly king would allow us to sit on the very throne that he is on. Our god is so proud of us that he will allow us one day to sit on the very throne that he sits on. This verse goes on to say, “I also overcame and sat down with my father on his throne”. This is the part that amazes me Jesus came down and truly had to fight the urge to sin just like us fully man but fully Christ. But he found his power in god alone and never fell once this is truly amazing. This verse shows that the lord is all knowing and he’s walking through are struggles with us as I type. This is the god we serve and he is waiting for us to take that seat on his holy throne with him.   


Pray tonight that the lord will give me the strength to overcome sin in my life.


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