2 corenthins 1:12

2corenthins 1:12

Now this is our boast: our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, with integrity and Godly sincerity. We have done so, relying not on worldly wisdom but on god’s grace.  

I long for integrity and godly sincerity what does that truly mean. Integrity is one thing that I strive for daily because I want to be surrounded by people that have great integrity so who am I not to be trustworthy or have integrity. Sincerity is one thing that you want your friends and piers to have but are we truly sincere. We have all gave empty compliments such as “your hair looks nice today” this is the farthest thing from sincere. Sincerity is only found truly in Christ he truly and sincerely loves us through and through. Through being sincere with each other Galatians 6:2 says, “carry each other’s burdens ” we have to be sincere in everything we do or it does not mean a single thing and in prayer to help each other carry are burdens of life, but only through god can we be gain integrity by showing our sincerity in all the things we do. God only wants sincere people that follow without truth we are worthless. He also only wants sincere followers that seek his face and if you truly seek his face you are sincere and have integrity with others.


Tell two guys how much I sincerely enjoy there company here.


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